
Church Copyright Licence / Collective Worship Copyright Licence Terms of Agreement

Welcome to the Church Copyright Licence / Collective Worship Copyright Licence (“Licence"). To enjoy the rights and benefits your Licence provides, your understanding and adherence to the following is necessary, and you agree to:

  • Keep your Licence in good standing by paying the annual fee when it is due
  • Honour the terms and conditions of this programme as outlined in the following sections marked Permitted Activities and Activities Not Permitted
  • Report all Song copy activity when required
  • Validate each participating song (“Song") before making a copy (see how in the Song Validation section)
  • Use the Licence in a lawful and ethical manner
  • Destroy all copies of Songs made under this agreement if your Licence expires
  • When reproducing a Song, include the song title, writer credit(s) and copyright notice in substantially the following form:

“Hallelujah" words and music by John Doe
© 2018 Good Music Co.
Used by Permission. CCLI Licence #12345

Permitted Activities

An active Licence allows you to make copies of Songs to assist with congregational singing, in the following manner. You may:

  • Print Songs in bulletins, liturgies, programs, song sheets, songbooks compiled by your church, overhead transparencies and slides
  • Electronically store, retrieve and utilise song files in computers, presentation software and similar resources to enable the visual projection of Songs
  • Record Songs in your live worship services, including meditations, preludes, postludes, interludes, fanfares, and handbell, vocal and instrumental specials, by either audio or audio-visual means, provided that:
    • Accompaniment tracks and artist or record label recordings of Songs may not be reproduced, and permission must be obtained directly from the producer
    • Such recordings are for shut-ins, missionaries and others in your church and the quantity made and distributed may not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the Church Size of your Licence
    • To offset the cost of production, for each copy duplicated you may charge up to the equivalent of $4.00 USD per CD or similar form, and $12.00 USD per DVD or similar form in local currency
  • With the understanding that all rights in copies made under this provision are reserved by the copyright owner, only where a published version is unavailable you may:
    • Make customised vocal and/or instrumental arrangements of Songs
    • Translate Song lyrics into another language

Activities Not Permitted

This Licence has certain important and necessary limitations and you may not:

  • Charge a fee or receive any form of compensation for any of the Permitted Activities, except where specifically stated
  • Assign or transfer any rights under your Licence to any other church or group
  • Distribute copies of Songs outside of the jurisdiction of your licence and church
  • Copy or duplicate choral sheet music, cantatas, musicals, handbell music, keyboard arrangements, vocal solos, instrumental works or music education publications
  • Alter or change the lyrics, melody or fundamental character of any Song

Song Validation

CCLI’s SongSelect makes it easy to confirm if a song is authorised under your licence.

Simply visit SongSelect and enter the song title in the search box. If your initial search results don’t include the song you are looking for, check the box next to “Expand search to show all songs" for more results. Find a match and you’re good to go. If you don’t find a match, it’s likely the song is not covered by the licence.

To confirm if a publisher catalogue is authorised under your licence, search the Copyright Licence – Covered Catalogues list at ccli.com/copyright-owners-lists.

When in doubt, CCLI’s Customer Service is ready to help.

Essential Information

License Renewal
To ensure continuous coverage, the annual licence must be renewed yearly, prior to the expiration date. A renewal notice will be sent 45 days before expiration for your convenience. All terms are in effect only when the licence is active. If the licence is not renewed, all rights are terminated effective on the expiration date, and all song copies made under the licence agreement must be destroyed. Should you have questions or desire further information regarding the Church Copyright Licence, please contact Customer Support.

As a Licence Holder, you will be required to report your song copying activity on an ongoing basis. Completing these reports is a vital element of the Church Copyright Licence, as it allows us to accurately process and distribute royalties to songwriters and copyright owners. Find out more about reporting.
