To help us identify your payment please follow these two steps:
- Make the BACS payment or online bank transfer, quoting your Account Number which is found on your reminder, invoice, or via your CCLI Profile. Our account details are as follows:
Bank name: NatWest, Eastbourne
Account name: Christian Copyright Licensing
International Limited.
Sort code: 52-41-00
Account number: 40254615
Bank name: Bank of Ireland
Bank address: 50-55 Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2, DO2 YZ54, Ireland
Account Name: Christian Copyright Licensing Limited
Sort code: 90-14-90
Account number: 80233815
IBAN: IE93BOFI90149080233815
- Fill out the form on this page to inform us that your payment has been made.
Please Note:
Submitting this form does not constitute payment—it only enables us to identify your payment when it has been made. Please make payment through your bank using the account details above. If you have any questions please contact us.
Payments by Card/Cheque
To order or renew licences by credit/debit card or cheque, please call our Customer Service team.