Church Licenses

CCLI Rehearsal License

The best way to learn a new song is to hear it, but permission is required to make copies of original recordings, even if you’re only sharing them with your worship team.

The CCLI Rehearsal License enables you to legally copy and distribute commercial song recordings among your musicians for rehearsal purposes.

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Worship Leader playing guitar.

Legally share songs with your team

Rehearsal Email Icon

Share songs via email or a secure file-sharing platform.

Rehearsal Copy Icon

Copy and distribute songs on CD or external drives.

Rehearsal Share Icon

Share songs via worship planning software.

See ourTerms of Agreementfor more details.

The benefit to your church

A big part of learning a new song is getting the feel, flow, or style, by listening to an original recording. But duplicating and distributing copies of a copyrighted song is a violation of US Copyright Law. Through agreements with music publishers, song owners, and record labels, the CCLI Rehearsal License provides the permission you need to share song recordings with your music team.

Picture of worship service in small church showing lyrics on a projector screen

Your licensing needs, covered

The CCLI Rehearsal License is part of our range of Church Copyright License® add-ons, allowing you to tailor coverage for your church.

Icon of video projector

Church Copyright License

Our base license covers the typical activities that assist congregational singing.

Project songs from a computer, or print lyrics in service sheets and bulletins. Arrange and translate songs where no published version exists.

Icon representing streaming a service

CCLI Streaming License™

Live-stream or upload recordings of your worship services to your church website or social media channels.

Choose the CCLI Streaming Plus License™ if you stream song recordings and multitracks.

SongSelect Music Sheet Icon


The ultimate source of transposable chords and sheet music, as well as free lyrics for more than 230,000 worship songs and hymns.

With customizable formatting and discovery tools such as thematic search and top song lists.

End-to-end-solutions to support your ministry

Loop Community logo
CCLI logo
WorshipTools Logo
Sunday Sound Logo
Loop Community logo

Loop Community

Loop Community

Loop provides worship leaders with quality and affordable tracks, hardware, software, and training.

  • Master multitracks

  • Community tracks

  • Premium studio tracks

  • Hardware and software

  • Expert training and webinars

  • Easily run multitracks with the Prime Multitracks App


Ensure your church is covered.

Build a licensing package to suit your ministry.