
Rehearsal License Terms of Agreement

Welcome to CCLI’s Rehearsal License (“License"). To enjoy the rights and benefits your License provides, your understanding and adherence to the following is necessary, and you agree to:

  • Keep your License in good standing by paying the annual fee when it is due.
  • Report recording copy activity.
  • Honor the terms and conditions of this program as outlined in the following sections marked Permitted Activities and Activities Not Permitted.
  • Validate the participation of each Song before you copy it (see how in the Recording Validation section).
  • Use the License in a lawful and ethical manner.

Permitted Activities

For the sole purpose of learning and rehearsing participating songs an active License allows your church’s music director and authorized personnel to copy and share commercial audio recordings (“Recordings") with your worship leaders, musicians and vocalists, from your church’s proprietary website, a hosted website or a streaming service in the following manner. You may:

  • Stream (digitally transmit, retransmit, distribute and playback) Recordings in audio and/or video form.
  • Download (digitally distribute) Recordings such that the audio part can be captured, saved and stored on a personal computer or similar data device for play back.
  • Make physical copies of Recordings and distribute them on a CD, flash drive or similar device.

All rights not specified here are reserved to and for the benefit of the copyright owner.

Activities Not Permitted

This License has certain important and necessary limitations and you may not:

  • Charge a fee or receive compensation for any of the Permitted Activities.
  • Record your own version of a song in a Recording for distribution to your church worship leaders, musicians, vocalists or any other person.
  • Retain copies of Recordings for personal use as they are intended only to be used as temporary audio reference copies for learning and rehearsing songs.
  • Assign or transfer any rights under your License to any other church or group.

Recording Validation

To validate participating Recordings, view the list of Labels Covered by this License. Find a match and you’re good to go.

When in doubt, CCLI’s Customer Service is ready to help at Customer Support or 1-800-234-2446.
