Tall walls reaching up towards the ceiling of an old cathedral. Colorful stained-glass windows portraying religious artwork.

Who We Serve

CCLI encourages worship within churches, organisations, and schools in multiple countries around the world. Beginning as a ministry of the Church and a service to the Church, CCLI was founded in response to a growing need to educate the Church about copyright, to protect the Church from the consequences of copyright infringement, and to encourage greater utilisation of copyrighted works in church life.

CCLI now occupies a unique position, enabling and encouraging the legal use of creative content in ministries and organisations worldwide, while ensuring authors and owners are fairly rewarded.


CCLI facilitates the freedom to worship through real-time access to licensed Christian music and media while easing the burden of copyright administration.

Our licences permit churches to legally reproduce, distribute, and display songs, music, movies, and media in services and ministry activities, saving time and removing uncertainty.

Furthermore, our customers enjoy a range of benefits from CCLI and our partners. For your musicians and media team, SongSelect® provides an extensive catalogue of lyrics and sheet music, plus enhanced options for search and discovery. Resources from our partners that assist playing, planning, and presentation are all freely available and seamlessly integrate. For leaders and teachers, access to film scenes, motions, and graphics all come as a value-added addition to the appropriate licences.

A graphical display of different items tied to CCLI including: churches, organizations, and sheetmusic.


CCLI supports a diverse range of Christian organisations to use creative works in their ministry.

Since every organisation is different, we offer a range of solutions for events, travelling ministries, and businesses who need wide-ranging access to Christian media and content, delivered with copyright peace-of-mind.

Regardless of your organisation type, as a CCLI customer you’ll enjoy a range of benefits from CCLI and our partners, from free resources and content to exclusive discounts and offers.

A group of graphical icons including: streaming, printing, projecting, video and sheetmusic

Owners and Publishers

There was a time when churches didn’t necessarily have the clearest picture about their right to use Christian content and media. That is, until CCLI came along.

We’ve made licensing clear and discovery easy by developing agreements that are legally compliant and equitable for all parties.  Now, with more than 235,000 licence holders worldwide, CCLI connects the Church with a vast repertoire of content, while administering the collection and accurate payment of royalties to our members.

Though CCLI is not a publisher, we are the trusted partner of publishers, labels, and artists in providing a simple and efficient means of global authorisation and access. As a publisher, you’re here to protect and promote the works you represent. We’re here to support you.

View of a worship leader on a microphone and playing on a keyboard.

Songwriters and Artists

Your songs light up churches in worship.

Responding and reflecting the movement of God in the power of the Spirit, they are a blessing to the Church. But a worker deserves his wages, and we believe songwriters deserve rightful compensation when their songs are shared beyond their local congregation.

CCLI facilitates the connection between your songs and churches worldwide. Through that connection, churches are enabled to discover and enjoy your songs. In turn, you can be assured your work is being accessed and reproduced legally and authentically, and that you will receive fair reward.

Worship Leader playing guitar.