
CCLI Streaming Licences Terms of Agreement

CCLI Streaming Licence™

Welcome to CCLI’s Streaming Licence (“Licence"). To enjoy the rights and benefits your Licence provides, your understanding and adherence to the following is necessary, and you agree to:

  • Keep your Licence in good standing by paying the annual fee when it is due
  • Honour the terms and conditions of this program as outlined in the following sections marked Permitted Activities and Activities Not Permitted
  • Validate the participation of each Song before you Stream it (see how in the Song Validation section)
  • Use the Licence in a lawful and ethical manner
  • When streaming a Song, include the song title, writer credit(s) and copyright notice in substantially the following form:

“Hallelujah" words and music by John Doe
© 2018 Good Music Co.
Used by Permission. CCLI Streaming Licence #12345

This text may be displayed in the stream at the start of each song or outside of the stream in your video description.

Permitted Activities

An active Licence allows you to “Stream" (i.e. digitally transmit, retransmit, distribute and play back) participating Songs (“Songs") from your church’s proprietary website, a hosted website or a streaming service in the following manner. You may:

  • Live stream Songs performed in your church services in audio and/or video form
  • Retransmit Songs performed in your church services in audio and/or video form
  • Distribute audio or video files of Songs performed in your church services to personal computers, portable media players or a similar device capable of receiving such files
  • Upload videos to YouTube and similar services provided that copyright owners have the right to monetise and place ads on videos containing their owned copyrights (these terms of agreement do not override those of the streaming platforms)

All rights not specified here are reserved to and for the benefit of the copyright owner.

Activities Not Permitted

This Licence has certain important and necessary limitations and you may not:

  • Charge a fee or receive any form of compensation for any of the Permitted Activities
  • Assign or transfer any rights under your Licence to any other church or group
  • Authorise any third-party that is not your church’s proprietary website, a hosted website or a streaming service to Stream Songs
  • Stream artist or record label recordings of Songs
  • Stream Songs from concerts, conferences and special events held at the Church property where a financial charge, including donations, is required for attendance
  • Stream Songs contained in non-Church Service audio and/or video content such as a non-Church Service teaching video, televised events or special productions
  • Regarding YouTube or any similar streaming service used by your Church, sublicence or enter into any revenue sharing agreement for the monetisation of a Song, including videos that are derived from a streaming website or service but are embedded in your Church’s website, as this right is reserved exclusively to the copyright owner
  • Regarding YouTube or a similar service, block the use of advertising placed by a streaming website or service on behalf of a Song owner

Song Validation

To confirm if a song is covered, first identify the song’s publisher. Then check if that publisher catalogue is authorised under your licence by searching the Streaming Licence – Covered Catalogues list at ccli.com/copyright-owners-lists.

When in doubt, CCLI’s Customer Service is ready to help.

CCLI Streaming Plus Licence™

Welcome to CCLI’s Streaming Plus Licence (“Licence"). This Licence allows the streaming of Master Recordings a pre-recorded recording (such as artist or record label recordings of songs sold commercially). Additionally, it will enable the streaming of Master Tracks, including multitracks, backing tracks, split tracks, loops, or stems.

To enjoy the rights and benefits the Licence provides, your understanding and adherence to the following are necessary, and you agree to:

  • Keep your Licence in good standing by paying the annual fee when it is due
  • Honour the terms and conditions of this program as outlined in the following sections marked Permitted Activities and Activities Not Permitted
  • Validate the participation of each Song, Master Recording, or Master Track before you Stream it (see how in the Song Validation section)
  • Report all streaming activity for Master Recordings and Master Tracks
  • Use the Licence in a lawful and ethical manner
  • When streaming a Song, include the song title, writer credit(s) and copyright notice in substantially the following form:

“Hallelujah" words and music by John Doe
© 2018 Good Music Co.
Used by Permission. CCLI Streaming Licence #12345

This text may be displayed in the stream at the start of each song or outside of the stream in your video description.

Permitted Activities

An active Licence allows you to “Stream" (i.e. digitally transmit, retransmit, distribute and play back) participating Songs, Master Recordings, or Master Tracks from your church’s proprietary website, a hosted website, or a streaming service in the following manner. You may:

  • Live stream Songs performed in your church services in audio and/or video form
  • Use Master Recordings or Master Tracks in announcements or content used exclusively within the church service (reusing content on any platform outside the context of church services requires additional licensing directly from the publisher/label or owner).
  • Live stream and retransmit Master Recordings or Master Tracks used within the church services in audio and video form
  • Allow use of audio or video files of Songs performed, Master Recordings or Master Tracks used in the church services to personal computers, portable media players, or a similar device capable of receiving such files to view the streamed Church services.
  • Upload video content required for streaming a Church service under this Licence to YouTube and similar services provided that copyright owners have the right to monetise and place ads on videos containing their owned copyrights (these Terms of Agreement do not override those of the streaming platforms, and does not prevent takedown notices on some platforms)

Activities Not Permitted

This Licence has certain important and necessary limitations and you may not:

  • Charge a fee or receive any form of compensation for any of the Permitted Activities
  • Assign or transfer any rights under your Licence to any other church or group
  • Authorise any third party that is not your Church’s proprietary website, a hosted website, or streaming service to Stream Songs, Master Recordings, or Master Tracks
  • Stream Songs, Master Recordings or Master Tracks, from concerts, conferences, and special events held at the Church property or hosted under the authority of the Church where a financial charge, including donations, is required for attendance
  • Stream Songs, Master Recordings or Master Tracks, contained in non-Church Service audio and video content such as non-Church Service teaching videos, televised events, or unique productions
  • Stream Master Recordings or Master Tracks in the content used outside of the Church Service, such as promotional videos. For example: streaming a pre-recorded video promoting a Church programme or activity is permitted with this Licence as long as it is contained in the entire Church service stream. If you wish to promote the same pre-recorded video outside of the Church service stream, it will require separate licensing directly from the applicable copyright owners.
  • Regarding YouTube or any similar streaming service used by your Church, you are not permitted to sublicence or enter into any revenue-sharing agreement for the monetisation of a Song, Master Recordings, or Master Tracks, including videos that are derived from these services but are embedded in your Church’s website, as this right is reserved exclusively to the copyright owner
  • Regarding YouTube or a similar service, you are not permitted to block the use of advertising placed by a streaming website or Service on behalf of the owner

All rights not specified under Permitted Activities are reserved and require direct licensing from the Song Owner and Master Recording or Master Tracks Owner.

Song Validation

Validating that a song is authorised is simple:

  • Songs performed live: To confirm if a song you’ve played live is covered, first identify the song’s publisher. Then check if that publisher catalogue is authorised under your licence by searching the Streaming Licence – Covered Catalogues list at ccli.com/copyright-owners-lists.
  • Master Recordings & Master Tracks: To confirm if a song’s Master Recording or Master Track is authorised, first identify the record label or owner. Then check the Streaming Plus Licence – Covered Record Labels list at ccli.com/copyright-owners-lists.
    Alternatively, you can search for the song under “Recordings" on the CCLI Reporting app: reporting.ccli.com. If the recording is listed and gives the option to report Streaming Plus activity, the recording/track is covered. If it’s not listed, it may not be covered, but we recommend checking the label/owner on the Streaming Plus Licence – Covered Record Labels list at ccli.com/copyright-owners-lists to confirm.

When in doubt, CCLI’s Customer Service is ready to help.
