Church Licences

CCLI Music Reproducton Licence™

A typographical right exists in most songbooks and sheet music files. The CCLI Music Reproduction Licence enables you to legally photocopy, scan, or file share pages from a huge range of music publications, meaning you can copy or share only the songs you need from a single master.

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This is a side profile of a person singing while playing the guitar with their eyes closed. Another singer is on their left, and a keyboard player is on their right. They have music stands in front of them with printed songs and smart devices.

Freedom to copy music publications

An icon of a printer/scanner/copy machine.


Duplicate pages from worship songbooks and music publications.

An icon of a scanner.


Scan printed music sheets to share to create digital copies.

An icon showing a music file being placed into an envelope for sharing purposes.


Distribute digital sheet music files to choir or band members via email or a shared app.

See ourTerms of Agreementfor more details.

The benefit to your church

A separate right exists in the typography of most digital and printed documents. This means that permission is required to photocopy typeset pages even if the song you wish to reproduce is no longer in copyright. The Music Reproduction Licence enables you to legally copy pages from the songbooks and music publications commonly used by churches.

A person with glasses is smiling at the camera as they stand in front of a large printer/scanner/copier. They are placing papers into the machine as they pose for the shot.

Your licensing needs, covered

The CCLI Music Reproduction Licence is part of our range of Church Copyright Licence™ add-ons, allowing you to tailor coverage for your church.

Icon of video projector

Church Copyright Licence™

Our base licence covers the typical activities that assist congregational singing.

Project songs from a computer, or print lyrics in service sheets and song handouts. Arrange and translate songs where no published version exists.

Icon representing streaming a service

CCLI Streaming Licence™

Live-stream or upload recordings of your worship services to your church website or social media channels.

Choose the CCLI Streaming Plus Licence™ if you stream song recordings and multitracks.

SongSelect Music Sheet Icon


The ultimate source of transposable chords and sheet music, as well as free lyrics for more than 230,000 worship songs and hymns.

With customisable formatting and discovery tools such as thematic search and top song lists.

Icon of video projector

Church Copyright Licence™

Our base licence covers the typical activities that assist congregational singing.

Project songs from a computer, or print lyrics in service sheets and song handouts. Arrange and translate songs where no published version exists.

Icon representing streaming a service

CCLI Streaming Licence™

Live-stream or upload recordings of your worship services to your church website or social media channels.

Choose the CCLI Streaming Plus Licence™ if you stream song recordings and multitracks.

SongSelect Music Sheet Icon


The ultimate source of transposable chords and sheet music, as well as free lyrics for more than 230,000 worship songs and hymns.

With customisable formatting and discovery tools such as thematic search and top song lists.

Music Reproduction Licence Q&A

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The CCLI Music Reproduction Licence covers a huge range of songbooks and music publications. To confirm if a publication is covered check the Authorised Publications in our Copyright Owners Lists.

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The number of copies you make depends on your licence size category. For example, a category B size church (50-99) can make up to 99 copies of any section of a publication under their licence.

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Yes. Please report all publications you copy from on an ongoing basis. This is simple to do via CCLI’s Reporting website.

You may find it helpful to print out our Copy Prompt Sheet and place this close to your photocopier.

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You may keep copies only while your licence is active. If your licence expires, you should destroy or delete any copies made under the licence.

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If there is no published version available then an enlargement can be made under the UK Copyright (Visually Impaired Persons) Act 2002. No specific licence is necessary.

End-to-end-solutions to support your ministry

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Loop Community

Loop Community

Loop provides worship leaders with quality and affordable tracks, hardware, software, and training.

  • Master multitracks

  • Community tracks

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  • Hardware and software

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  • Easily run multitracks with the Prime Multitracks App


Ensure your church is covered.

Build a licensing package to suit your ministry.