Church Licences


CVLI | Church Video License Logo
Great films have the power to make us laugh, move us to tears, and leave us wide-eyed in wonder. The Church Video Licence empowers your church to share those experiences in your services and activities, making your teaching unforgettable and bringing the Gospel to life.
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Unlock the power of films in your ministry

Sermons And Services Icon

Sermons and Services

Use film scenes to capture imaginations and illustrate teaching themes.

Sunday School Icon

Sunday School

Show film scenes to teach, inspire, and illustrate biblical themes during Sunday school.

Children And Youth Icon

Children & Youth

Show films during youth clubs, and children’s and youth ministry.

Movie Nights Icon

Film Nights

Hold indoor and outdoor film events as part of your social and community activities.

Outreach Events Icon

Outreach Events

Show films as part of mission and outreach events.

Mid Week Activities Icon

Mid-week Activities

Show films and film scenes during church-run groups and clubs.

See ourTerms of Agreementfor more details.

The benefit to your church

Nearly all DVDs, digital downloads, and streaming services are authorised for personal, private use only. Convenient, and affordable, The Church Video Licence gives your church near blanket coverage to show films and film scenes in your services and activities.

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Find The Perfect Scene

Available FREE with your Church Video Licence, the ScreenVue Vault is your online source of inspiration. Featuring 14,000+ fully searchable Scene Ideas, Views, and Downloads, ScreenVue helps you easily find scenes to illustrate sermons, enhance announcements, and bring youth and outreach events to life.

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Church Video Licence Q&A

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The licence permits you to show as many authorised films as you want, as often as you want, for as long as your licence remains active.

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There is no limit to how much of a film you show. The licence permits you to play all or any part of an authorised title.

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The Church Video Licence grants permission to publicly display authorised content otherwise intended for private, personal use only. This means you can display any films or film scenes which is covered by your licence using a wide range of sources. This would include any legally-obtained media. It would also include a legitimate video-sharing website provided you are showing it from an official, authorised channel.

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Your Church Video Licence does not permit you to charge admission or other fees. However, free-will offerings and concessions (for example, to fundraise for a specific cause) are allowed.

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The Church Video Licence does not permit you to advertise a specific title to the general public. However, you may advertise a specific title internally, and promote the genre, date, and time of a generic film event externally.

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CCLI/CVLI does not necessarily endorse the entire content of any film covered. Before showing any film, in whole or in part, please preview and determine if the content is appropriate for your intended audience.

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The Church Video Licence and ScreenVue are the result of a partnership between CVLI (Christian Video Licensing International), CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International), and MPLC (Motion Picture Licensing Corporation).

End-to-end solutions to support your ministry

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Ensure your church is covered.

Build a licensing package to suit your ministry.